Word Of The Day

2 Thessalonians 3:2 KJV

[2] And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

Is it ok to listen or surround ourselves with negative people? An atmosphere that is negative can cause our faith to weaken or be under stress - God’s design is just the opposite. The Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength. Jesus is our peace. Our mindset should be thinking on Philippians 4. Like an athlete, they have to be in pristine condition in order to compete. Our faith has to be in pristine condition to obtain our desired petitions. We have to make sure our environment is conducive to move in the spirit. God wants us happy and in power.


Palabra Del Día

Romanos 1:16 (AMP): Porque no me avergüenzo del Evangelio (buenas nuevas) de Cristo, porque es el poder de Dios que obra para salvación [para liberación de la muerte eterna] para todo el que cree con confianza personal y entrega segura. y firme confianza, al judío primero y también al griego,

Testificar y hablar de Dios abrirá el poder de Dios sobre tu vida. A Dios le encanta confirmar Su bondad y expresar Su amor a través de la cruz. Él siempre está mirando, escuchando y ciertamente vendrá a ayudarte en tu momento de necesidad. Dios es tu respaldo, Él está ahí. Él refuerza lo que decimos si no nos avergonzamos de Su evangelio porque es el poder de la salvación. Él camina entre nosotros, vive dentro de nosotros, habla a nuestro corazón y nos hace seguir adelante. Él nos pertenece y nosotros a Él.


Word Of The Day

Romans 1:16 (AMP)

[16] For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation [for deliverance from eternal death] to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance, to the Jew first and also to the Greek,

Testifying and speaking of God will open the power of God over your life. God loves confirming His goodness and expressing His love through the cross. He’s ever watching, hearing, and will certainly come to your aid in your time of need. God is your backup, He’s there. He reinforces what we say if we are not ashamed of His gospel because it is the power of salvation. He walks among us, lives within us, speaks to our heart and makes us keep going. He belongs to us and us to Him.


Palabra Del Día

Proverbios 2: 4–6 (AMP): 4 Si buscas [la sabiduría] como plata y buscas la sabiduría hábil y piadosa como tesoros escondidos,

5 Entonces comprenderás el temor reverente y adorado del Señor y encontrarás el conocimiento de [nuestro omnisciente] Dios. [Prov. 1: 7.]

6 Porque el Señor da sabiduría hábil y piadosa; de su boca salen el conocimiento y la inteligencia.

Cuando buscamos algo que deseamos, o lo que pensamos que es valioso, generalmente se hace con diligencia y tal vez de manera agresiva. Lo primero que uno debe hacer mentalmente es saber lo valioso que es poder conectarse con Dios. Tener acceso a Su presencia cambia todo el panorama de tu vida. Alguien envió un mensaje de texto esta mañana de lo asombroso que era que Moisés tuviera 120 años y sus ojos fueran tan claros y fuertes como siempre. Moisés buscó a Dios y habló con él cara a cara. Esa es la sabiduría y el entendimiento para saber que este ser vino a la tierra, para morir en la cruz. Aunque puso una tienda terrenal, seguía siendo Dios. Sea sabio, busca y pide a Jesús como un tesoro escondido. Si buscas, encontrarás.


Word Of The Day

Proverbs 2:4-6 KJV

[4]If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

[5]Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

[6]For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

When searching for something that we either desire, or what we think is valuable, it is usually done diligently and maybe aggressively. The first thing one must do mentally, is know how valuable it is to be able to connect with God. Having access to His presence changes your entire landscape of life. Someone sent a text this morning how amazing it was that Moses was 120 years old and his eyes were as clear and strong as ever. Moses sought God and spoke with Him face to face. That’s wisdom and understanding to understand this being came to earth, to die on the cross. Even though He put on an earthly tent, He was still God. Be wise, seek and search Jesus like a hidden treasure. If you seek, you will find.


Word of The Day

Philippians 2:8 KJV

[8]And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Some events in life are so remarkable that it’s hard to conceive why it all happened. It’s incredible to think God would make the decision, willingly, to be born to die, then to resurrect. Knowing how He was going to die and suffer. The scriptures tell us He was moved with compassion not only to heal us, but to give us access to the Father. To save us from ourselves and this world’s oppressive way. It is His compassion that is our hope, and our hope comes alive in His resurrection. We need to believe and move in that same compassion and experience the power of Jesus Christ.


Palabra Del Día

Salmo 20: 1 (AMP): ¡QUE EL Señor te responda en el día de la angustia! Que el nombre del Dios de Jacob te ponga en alto [y te defienda];

Jesús es mejor que un amigo. Le encanta cuando le hablas y buscas su compañía. Luego, Él dice que cambie tu pensamiento mental de esta vida terrenal, y te daré la sabiduría de lo alto. Tendrás gracia para recibir mi bondad, dice el Señor; lo que tengo para ti es mucho más grande de lo que puedas imaginar. Jesús no es solo un amigo, también es nuestro defensor, proveedor y Salvador.
