Word Of The Day

Song of Solomon 4:16 KJV

[16]Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

This is the year of the Holy Spirit. He will blow upon all the fruit we have stored up, all the things we wanted and believed we have lost. He will blow on you, like when the wind blows pedals from a rose flower along with its fragrance. People will see who He is through you. You maybe in a place that seems a bit uncomfortable and not the best, but God has not forgotten you. There’s a difference between Goshen and Egypt. There’s a difference when you’re serving God and those that choose to ignore Him. He’s going to blow His Spirit on you. You will receive newness so the world can see He is the answer to it all.

Palabra Del Día

Hechos 7:33 (AMP): Entonces el Señor le dijo: Quítate las sandalias de tus pies, porque el lugar donde estás es tierra santa y digno de veneración.

Muchos cristianos quieren muchos milagros. Quieren un mover de Dios en sus vidas. A menudo no hacemos el sacrificio necesario para el milagro. Queremos la zarza ardiente, para hablar con Dios, o Dios diciendo que es nuestro amigo. Donde estás parado es tierra santa, es exactamente donde Dios quiere que estés. Necesitamos quitarnos los zapatos, vivir una vida santificada y tendremos la experiencia de la zarza ardiente. Cualquier faraón que tengamos, nos postraremos. Tenemos que vivir de acuerdo con las escrituras. Si queremos el poder, vive una vida santificada, quítate los zapatos, estás parado en tierra santa.

Word Of The Day

Acts 7:33 KJV

[33]Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground.

Many Christians want many miracles. They want a move of God in their lives. Often we don’t make the sacrifice needed for the miracle. We want the burning bush, to talk with God, or God saying that He is our friend. Where you’re standing is holy ground, it’s exactly where God wants you to be. We need to take off our shoes, live a sanctified life and we will have our burning bush experience. Whatever Pharoah we may have, will bow down. We have to live according to the scriptures. If we want the power, live a sanctified life, take off your shoes, you are standing on Holy ground.

Palabra Del Día

Lucas 3:23 (AMP): Jesús mismo, cuando comenzó [Su ministerio], tenía alrededor de treinta años, siendo el Hijo, como se suponía, de José, el hijo de Heli,

Todos somos llamados para Su propósito en diferentes momentos de nuestras vidas, diferentes edades y diferentes formas. Nos llamó a todos de una manera única y no podemos compararnos con los demás. No importa la edad que tengas, si Él te llama a los 2 años o a los 102 años. Necesitamos decirle que sí a Él, a Su llamado. Tenemos que levantarnos y hacer lo que Dios nos ha llamado a hacer con un corazón agradecido. Una persona humilde llegará lejos. No importa la edad que tenga, está llamado a servir y tener una vida maravillosa con Jesús.

Word Of The Day

Luke  3:23 KJV

[23]And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

We are all called for His purpose at different times in our lives, different ages, and different ways. He called us all in a unique way and we cant compare ourselves to others. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether He calls you at 2 years old or 102 years old. We need to say yes to Him, to His call. We have to get up and do what God has called us to do with a grateful heart. A humble person will go far. No matter how old you are, you are called to serve and have a wonderful life with Jesus.

Word Of The Day

Psalm 91:9 KJV

[9]Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

God is so good, He gives us such direction to be blessed. The way to Gods blessings is to put Him first. It reflects your life. We know when we’re putting God first. There’s knowledge that can change your landscape. Put God first in your mind, your way and your whole life will be a success. Make this a good habit. Let’s be courteous to God’s feelings.

Word Of The Day

Psalm 91:15 KJV

[15]He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

God’s promise and covenant with us is marvelous. How could we doubt Him? He died, suffered, and was tortured for us. His heart and desire for His people is wonderfully great. He is an exceedingly great God. He wants to bless you. He works through obedience. He gives us grace and power to say yes to the right decision. It’s wonderful to serve the Lord.

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