Word Of The Day

Ezekiel 34:14 KJV

[14]I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.

God’s heart for you is to be fed, nourished, and not to lack; not to panic or be under pressure. He loves for you to be with good people; nothing negative, all positive, a place of peace where God dwells. That’s God’s heart for His people. Being courageous and having great success is His desire for His people. Surrender unto Him humbly, be obedient and the heavens will open for you.

Word Of The Day

Psalm 52:8 (AMP)

[8] But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust [confidently] in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.

That’s the best place one wants to be, in the house of God. When you have the main ingredients of being humble, obedient, and submissive, you will grow according to God’s word with confidence, peace and assurance. We stand in unity, knowing we are in His hands, in His house, growing just fine. He knows what He’s doing and what He does, He is excellent at. He knows how to give us exactly what we need when we need it. Let’s trust Him confidently.

Palabra Del Día

Marcos 11:29 (AMP): Jesús les dijo, les haré una pregunta. Contéstame, y luego te diré con qué [tipo de] autoridad hago estas cosas.

¿Quién pensaría que al mundo en estos tiempos locos le resultaría difícil o incluso vacilar al tomar la decisión de creer en Jesús? Si todos simplemente trataran de seguir a Jesús, este sería un mundo mejor. Una vez que la iglesia entienda verdaderamente que Jesús vino con la autoridad de ser Dios y que resucitó de entre los muertos, el Espíritu Santo realmente se moverá. Tu alma ha sido comprada, entreguémosla a Cristo. Si creemos, el mundo creerá porque verá la evidencia de Dios moviéndose por nosotros. ¿Creemos realmente? Si no lo hacemos, pídale a Jesús que llene los vacíos y lo hará.

Word Of The Day

Mark 11:29 KJV

[29]And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you one question, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

Who would think that the world in these crazy times would find it difficult or even waver in making a decision to believe in Jesus. If everyone would simply try to follow Jesus what a better world this would be. Once the church truly understands that Jesus came with the authority of being God, and that He rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit will truly move. Your soul has been purchased, let’s surrender it to Christ. If we believe, the world will believe because they will see the evidence of God moving for us. Do we really believe? If we don’t, ask Jesus to fill in the gaps and He will.

Word Of The Day

Psalm 66:19-20 KJV

[19]But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.

[20]Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

We get up every morning and pray, which is an action of faith. Even though our faith may not be perfect, an action taken is a seed. It’s a mustard seed and God said that He would honor that; this is a promise from God. When He says something, He means it. He completes and does what He needs to do, and loves His job. He loves answering our prayers. When He promises, He never breaks it, and God’s word never changes. His promises are our stability. Know our God and the power of His resurrection.

Palabra Del Día

Romanos 15:13 (AMP): Que el Dios de tu esperanza te llene de todo gozo y paz al creer [a través de la experiencia de tu fe] para que por el poder del Espíritu Santo abundes y te desbordes (rebosante) con esperanza.

Es hermoso saber que en Jesús puedes crecer al tener una experiencia con el Espíritu Santo. Es maravilloso conocer a Jesús, Él te ama incondicionalmente y camina a tu lado cuando nadie más lo hará. El amor de Cristo es algo bueno; es lo opuesto a este mundo. Paul está explicando que no se puede discutir con una persona que ha tenido una experiencia. Podemos florecer en esa relación y pasar de fe en fe y de gloria en gloria.

Word Of The Day

Romans 15:13 KJV

[13]Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

It’s beautiful to know that in Jesus, you can grow through having an experience with the Holy Spirit. It’s wonderful to know Jesus, He loves you unconditionally and walks beside you when no one else will. The love of Christ is a good thing; it’s the opposite of this world. Paul is explaining you can’t argue with a person that has had an experience. We can flourish in that relationship and go from faith to faith and glory to glory.