Word Of The Day

Jonah 2:9 KJV

[9]But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.

Jonah teaches us a great lesson here.

1st: Be grateful always. When one has the heart of gratitude that is the key to open more blessings upon you. Whatever blessings may be needed.

2nd: When you make a sacrifice to the Lord, you get His attention. When you say no to yourself and yes to Him, the Bible says with long life He satisfy you. God’s favor will fall upon you. Put God first in all you do, especially when no one is watching. That is a sacrifice, and a vow. That’s a promise you made with God and no one sees, but God will bless you openly!

Today we read: Psalm 44-46, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

1 Timoteo 2: 6 (AMP): Quien se dio a sí mismo en rescate por todos [la gente, un hecho que fue] atestiguado en el momento correcto y apropiado.

Hay un momento adecuado y perfecto para todo. Confiar y saber que Él es fiel es una buena medicina para la ansiedad. No se distraiga con las circunstancias, que no tienen nada que ver con el plan de Dios para usted. No juzgues el resultado final por el proceso. Nuestro trabajo es mantener nuestros ojos en Él y amarlo. Ponlo a Él primero en todas las áreas, luego todas las bendiciones de Deuteronomio entran en acción. Quieres el tiempo perfecto de Dios; Su amor nunca falla. Él se entregó a sí mismo en el tiempo apropiado y señalado para salvarnos de toda angustia.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 41-43, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

1 Timothy 2:6 (AMP)

[6]who gave Himself as a ransom [a substitutionary sacrifice to atone] for all, the testimony given at the right and proper time.

There is a proper and perfect time for everything. Trusting and knowing that He is faithful is good medicine for anxiety. Don’t be distracted by the circumstance, that has nothing to do with God’s plan for you. Don’t judge the end result by the process. Our job is to keep our eyes on Him and love Him. Put Him first in all areas, then all the blessings of Deuteronomy kick in. Want God’s perfect timing; His love never fails. He gave Himself at the proper, appointed time to save us from all anguish.

Today we read: Psalm 41-43, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Salmo 120: 1 (AMP): EN MI angustia clamé al Señor, y Él me respondió.

Este verso es corto, dulce y va al grano. Dios me escuchó. Esas son palabras reconfortantes de escuchar. Él te ama, te escucha y quiere pasar tiempo contigo respondiendo a tus oraciones. Es importante creer en Dios. Su amor y emociones son perfectos. Él es el Dios que sana y escucha todo, especialmente cuando lo necesitamos. Él no te fallará.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 38-40, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Psalm 120:1 KJV

[1]In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.

This verse is short, sweet and to the point. God heard me. Those are comforting words to hear. He loves you, He hears you, and He wants to spend time with you answering your prayers. It’s important to believe God. His love and emotions are perfect. He’s the God that heals and hears everything, especially when we need Him. He will not fail you.

Today we read: Psalm 38-40, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Proverbios 4: 6 (AMP): No abandones [la sabiduría], y ella te guardará, defenderá y protegerá; ámala, y ella te protegerá.

Después de leer proverbios, siempre me doy cuenta de lo poco que sé. He sentido que Proverbios es un libro por el que uno debería tener hambre de leer para obtener más sabiduría y comprensión. Desear sabiduría y entendimiento para que Dios abra nuestras mentes y corazones al Espíritu Santo, le agrada. Pedir discernimiento y dirección le permite tener más capacidad para obedecer a Dios y buscarlo. Sirve a Dios y los unos a los otros como Cristo lo ha hecho, no puede equivocarse si sigue Su patrón; estarás bien. Esto le permitirá caminar en Su perfecta voluntad y experimentar el poder de Dios en cada detalle.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 32-34, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Proverbs 4:6 KJV

[6]Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.

After reading proverbs, it always makes me realize how little I know. I have felt that Proverbs is a book that one should have a hunger to read to obtain more wisdom and understanding. Desiring wisdom and understanding for God to open our minds and hearts to the Holy Spirit, is pleasing to Him. Asking for discernment and direction allows you more of an ability to obey God and seek Him out. Serve God and one another as Christ has done, you can’t go wrong by following His pattern; you will be fine. This will allow you to walk in His perfect will and experience the power of God in every detail.

Today we read: Psalm 32-34, Psalm 91