Word Of The Day

Isaiah 54:3 KJV

[3]For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

This verse is a wonderful description of you! You were not made to be enclosed, inhibited, or restricted in any way, not even in a relationship, a career, or mindset. Anything restricting you from growing in God the way you were designed to be is simply a distraction. A savior isn’t meant to be enclosed, or a superhero to be kept in a box. We have a key to whatever barrier there may be. Once you’re living in the purpose you’re designed to be, you’re happiness grows. You will see happiness by blessing others. We were made to help one another, not to live just for ourselves. God has given us this power to save those who can’t save themselves. When we live for the purpose of Christ, it is then that we will do the things we haven’t been able to do before. Today is a break through day.

Today we read: Psalm 96-98, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

1 Pedro 2: 9 (AMP): Pero ustedes son una raza escogida, un sacerdocio real, una nación dedicada, un pueblo especial comprado por [Dios], para que puedan exponer las maravillas y mostrar las virtudes y perfecciones de Aquel que te llamó de las tinieblas a su luz maravillosa.

Ser diferente y tener tal contraste con el mundo hace que las personas vean la bondad de Dios. Se debe ver una diferencia entre lo que somos y lo que sucede bajo Su cobertura. Hay una paz que es visible para las personas, una forma de vida, de hablar, una experiencia con Dios todos los días. Su presencia vendrá todos los días cuando pasemos tiempo con Él. No debes ser como el mundo de ninguna manera, sino ser una luz para mostrarles a los demás el camino. Esté atento a estar bajo esa cobertura y conviértase en alguien peculiar y diferente para Jesús.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 86-88, Salmo 91

Word Of The DAY

1 Peter 2:9 KJV

[9]But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Being different and having such a contrast from the world makes people see the goodness of God. They should see a difference between what they are and what happens under His covering. There’s a peace that’s visible to people, a way of life, speaking, an experience with God everyday. His presence will come daily when we spend time in Him. You are not to be like the world in any way, but to be a light to show others the way. Be attentive to be under that covering and become peculiar and different for Jesus.

Today we read: Psalm 86-88, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Salmo 16: 3 (AMP): En cuanto a los piadosos (los santos) que están en la tierra, ellos son los excelentes, los nobles y los gloriosos, en quienes está todo mi deleite.

¡Los ojos de Dios están sobre ti y lo que Él ve es hermosura!

¡Sí tú! Él está decidido a expresarte Su amor. Es lo que Él ve en ti. Él te ve cubierto con la sangre de su precioso hijo al que ama amar. Cuando ama, ama de forma perfecta. Él se complace mucho en nosotros cuando lo buscamos y le servimos. Hoy, seamos conscientes de cuánto nos ama. Cuando una pareja está a punto de casarse, están muy ansiosos por estar juntos. Dios nos ama de esa manera y más. La paz es su regalo. Devuélvele a Dios algo de amor. Haz todo el tipo de cosas que hacen a Jesús feliz.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 83-85, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Psalm 16:3 (AMP)

[3]As for the godly (the saints) who are in the land, they are the excellent, the noble, and the glorious, in whom is all my delight.

The eyes of God are upon you and what He sees is beautifulness!

Yes, you!

He is set on expressing His love to you. It’s what He sees in you. He sees you covered with His precious son’s blood that He loves to love. When He loves, He loves perfect. He takes great pleasure in us when we seek and serve Him. Today, let’s be mindful of how much He loves you. When a couple is about to be married, they are so eager to be with each other. God loves us that way and more. Peace is His gift. Give God back some love. Do all the Jesus kind of things that make Him happy.

Today we read: Psalm 83-85, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

1 Pedro 2: 4 (AMP): Venid a Él [entonces, a esa] Piedra viva que los hombres probaron y desecharon, pero que es escogida [y] preciosa a los ojos de Dios.

A veces nos sentimos rechazados por las personas, las circunstancias o incluso por nosotros mismos. ¡Dios es nuestro supervisor, dueño, juez, creador de todo! Dice que eres suyo. Él nos eligió antes de la fundación de la tierra. Incluso si el mundo dice que no tienes ningún valor, Dios ya te ha valorado. No hay otro tú, lo que te hace único. Subastan antigüedades por ese precio. ¿Qué es un humano llamado por Dios? ¿Cuál es el valor de un vaso escogido y apartado para Dios? Lo amamos porque Él nos amó primero. Jesús es nuestra porción. No importa lo que estés sintiendo. Eres valioso, especial y has sido llamado.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 80-82, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

1 Peter 2:4 KJV

[4]To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious.

Sometimes we feel rejected by people, circumstances or even yourself. God is our overseer, owner, judge, creator of all! He says you are His. He chose us before the foundation of the earth. Even if the world says you don’t have any value, God has already placed value on you. There is no other you, which makes you unique. They auction antiques for such a price. What is a human called by God? What’s the value of a chosen, set apart vessel for God? We love Him because He first loved us. Jesus is our portion. It doesn’t matter what you are feeling. You’re valuable, special, and called.

Today we read: Psalm 80-82, Psalm 91