Word Of The Day

Luke 20:13

“Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him.”

“The LORD” The Lord of what? The Vineyard! What is the vineyard? It’s prosperity; it’s the earth; it’s your business; it’s your dreams; it’s where the blessings are; it’s what people work for every day. Jesus is the LORD of those things.

People seek after prosperity and all those things, so Jesus was sent, that if we glorify Him in much fruit - saving souls, making disciples (vineyards naturally produce fruit)then Jesus will be able to bless us in our lives.

The heart of the Father is willing to sacrifice His Son for our prosperity. Jesus “The LORD” of His own vineyard requires from us the fruit of His vineyard - saving souls.
