Word of The Day

John 4:15 KJV

[15]The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

Where can we hide, where can we go for protection from criticism, judgment and hatred? In this world, not too many places. So how do you fix past mistakes that keep coming to haunt us? The goodness of Jesus is here! This woman in this culture had a very bad reputation. Every time she went to get water at the well, there were those waiting to mock and remind her of her social position. Where can we find the power to fix our past, finances, body, health, ministries, and lives? Only in Him. We have that power, Jesus says yes. It was no longer a struggle. God is the answer to everything. He wants to give you a miracle. Believe God,meditate on His word, and thirst no more.