Word Of The Day

Luke 5:3 (AMP)

And getting into one of the boats, [the one] that belonged to Simon (Peter), He requested him to draw away a little from the shore. Then He sat down and continued to teach the crowd [of people] from the boat.

The boat signifies you. He needs you as a platform to preach the gospel. Jesus is ever searching for hearts that will let Him in. Searching for a people that will welcome Him to live in them. As you speak of the gospel, it is Christ Himself teaching through you. Also note, He put Himself at a distance in the waters. Signifying to keep ourselves distant from the world.

1- Be different, the Bible says we are a peculiar people. Christ lives in you; there should be a visible difference the world can see.

2- Be on point, hear God’s voice and yearn to be close to Him.

It’s amazing He would find us worthy enough to come and live in us. There is your source of power!

Today we read: Psalm 126-128, Psalm 91