And fulfilled these days, the king made another feast for seven days in the courtyard of the royal palace to all the people in Susa the capital of the kingdom, from the greatest to the youngest. "
Esther 1:5
God is calling; He is saying to all, “Come! Big and small, famous and common, poor or rich, young or old!” No matter the age or where you are, God says, “Come! Here I am.”
The heart of God is that everyone should be saved. In His heart He wants everyone to know Him. It’s so sad to consider how the heart of man is and the direction of the world. God has to look at all that, and yet He still came to die for man? That is amazing!
He still chooses to forgive, cover and help man. God is good and His love never fails.
Today we will be meditating on how much He loves us, on how much love He has for us. Let's be obedient and invite others to know Him and make them into His disciples. That's why we aim to save souls as much as we can, by God's grace. Amen.