Word Of The Day

John 4:14,50

[14] But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

[50] Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

This explains it all! Everyone is thirsty in life when they are either lacking something, trying to fix the something, or hoping in something that doesn’t exist. That’s where we learn what works so that we lack nothing, fix all things and get the impossible.

Simply, this man believed for the healing of his son. The simplicity of faith is great power. Believing is receiving your gift of water, which is the answer to your prayer, so that you thirst no more.
