Word Of The Day

Leviticus 3:7 KJV
If you offer a lamb for his offering, he will offer it before the Lord.

God said we must offer our lives to Him every day, every second as an offering. We have to die to the things of this world, to die to wants that are not of God.

The will of men is not always right before God. It leads to sin. We may think we know the perfect will of God, but we need to let the Lord lead us.

God always wants the best for us. Sometimes we think we know more than God, or we get worried because we think God is going to do something that we don’t want. God knows and knows our heart, our life. He wants to bless us and use us. He wants to lift us up, but we have to give that sacrifice of our flesh.

Say to him: Lord I will serve You, I will not do this thing that You do not want, I will not talk to that person, I will pray more, I will read the Bible more. These are the things God wants. He wants His perfect and divine will, so that we may receive the greatest blessings that come from Him.