Word Of The Day

Psalm 68:35 AMP

[35]O God, You are awesome andprofoundly majestic from Your sanctuary;
The God of Israel gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!

When we see the earth from the perspective of the universe, it simply looks like a little ball in mid air. Get a little closer, you see a lot of blue, then green, then land, people, cars, buildings, houses, and trees. When God compares us to ants, it’s correct. God says, “look at them, they’re beautiful, even though they’re full of hate, in the mist of wars, full of un forgiveness and wanting to kill each other, I love them.” David asks, “what is man that God is mindful of him?” Why would the Creator of this world want to help you? Yes, He is in love with you, and He can’t help Himself but to love you. Today, let’s be mindful of God and believe His promises In His word. There is power in the name of Jesus. We’re blessed.
