Genesis 2:20
“And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”
Church family is the very best. Until you have experienced it, you have no clue how life-sustaining it is. Here in this verse, we can take it either way, some are called to marry, some are not, like the apostle Paul. Either way, the message here is that especially in a unique time like today with this epidemic, that the world is shut in into isolation, we are to help one another and be our brother’s keeper.
In any relationship, we are to consider each other’s feelings with respect. In friendship and family we are to lift each other up in prayer and love. Being kind, a lending ear with no judgments, kind words and a genuine thank you, can gain you a life time friend. That’s what we need. Simply a loving friend.
Jesus is our portion, He is our friend.