Word Of The Day

Genesis 8:22 KJV

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Rain, snow, cold and heat, all seasons are for everyone to enjoy. God’s message to us is that His mercy is for the bad, the good, and the ugly. He allows for you to plant seeds of good to make up for mistakes we’ve made in the past, and uses seasons to make sure we get a good harvest in life. It’s about the do over. If we did bad things, Jesus is ever hoping and waiting for repentance. The good things and care we showed, Jesus wants to bless your life with joy. The ugly situations that life throws at you, at times, Jesus gives His light so that you can find the way out. “Seed time and harvest,” is Christ saying things may seem rough right now, but seasons change. You’re not stuck; Jesus is the way.
