Word Of The Day

Exodus‬ ‭12:7‬

“They are to take the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the crossbeam of the houses where they will eat it.”

Amazing, that is the sign of a cross. The same position Jesus chose to take upon Himself for our sins. I guess if we would really understand how sin separates us from the Father, then we would appreciate Jesus so much more.

The point here is what sign are we displaying to God, to our family, to our friends, to ourselves? If we are displaying Jesus, then we can live a Jesus-promised life. But if we don’t display Jesus, then we can’t blame God when things are not right in our life. Even when things are rough, He promised to work all things out for good, and to give you peace and understanding while it’s happening.

His love is never ending and powerful.
