“The LORD who made heaven and earth Bless you from Zion!”Psalms 134:3 NKJV
This is God's message to us. God is blessing you from Zion, Zion is the church, and we are the church. From the perspective that we are in Him and He is in us the blessings begins. What do you give a queen? She has everything. Only a king can say go to some exotic place and find me a special gift to give her. God sits in a kingly place where He can and wants to fulfill our needs and desires. Today let's understand the power of the church. It's the love that drove Jesus to come, die and resurrect that has caused us to be so blessed. It is because of the church that God's heart has been touched to move in His power to open opportunities and give us our miracle.
#theorckchurches #iamarock