“so we, who are many, are [nevertheless just] one body in Christ, and individually [we are] parts one of another [mutually dependent on each other].”ROMANS 12:5 AMP
A preacher once said, "Your little toe can't put on sunglasses and say I'm going to the beach today and I'll be back when I can."
The human body is so amazing. One small cut on the bottom of your foot and your whole body feels it. Everyone who is a believer in Christ and has made the decision to follow Him is now part of this corporate body. We must love, forgive, and cover because if not we ourselves will not be healed and made whole. When one gets a success or victory, we all do because we are one. Let's love, forgive and cover because you're brothers and sisters are you and you are them. Thank God we're one body!
#therockchurches #iamarock