“For Mordecai the Jew was second to King Ahasuerus, and was great among the Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen.”
Esther 10:3
This is a perfect example of how we should behave and think. When you approach God, it needs to be with an understanding of who you are. We need to understand that we are His children, children of the King, here to rule, reign and bless His people! Our position is to be beside our king Jesus. You can't experience that until you take your position next to Him, understanding He's your father and friend.
Bless His people, teach , love, and cover them. Your concern should be for them before yourself. That's putting the kingdom of God first and now all things you desire will be given to you!
#therockchurches #iamarock