“And Jesus turned and saw them following Him, and asked them, “What do you want?” They answered Him, “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?””JOHN 1:38 AMP
Why did he put that question in the Bible? Would we ask Jesus that today? Wisdom knocks on the door! He knocks on the door of our lives. He is the only way! He is the door. Have you given Him not only the keys but the deed too? He would have the right to fix, change, wash, paint. He would be the owner, not a renter. Are we afraid to give Him the keys? Is it a short term lease? He is a wonderful owner, willing to renovate, make it beautiful and make your life brand new!
Tell others you have a real "Buyer" that wants their heart and wants to live in them. He shed His precious blood so that we could be redeemed! Only the redemption of Christ can make us sing!!
#therockchurches #iamarock