“O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption.”
Psalm 130:7
Precious moments are never forgotten. They live on and are very much alive in our minds. They are spoken of often and bring joy to our lives. Let us not forget, get comfortable or lax concerning what Christ has done for us. The disciples were on fire because they had just finished seeing Him tortured, murdered and buried. Then suddenly with their own eyes, they see their Messiah is alive! Not only was He alive, they spoke, ate and touched Jesus. He is not dead, He is alive! He was different from any other. He did not stay in the tomb but instead He overcame death. Amazing! Let's act like it's amazing because it is!
1- Display a heart full of gratitude
2- Spread the good news that He lives!
#therockchurches #iamarock