Word of the Day


“For you are our glory and joy.”‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭2:20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Preaching the gospel and brining someone to salvation is our gift to Christ.  We should want to give what brings joy to God.

In the Bible, a bunch of grapes 🍇 is a cluster. The cluster is us and our strength in unity so we certainly don't want to give God one little grape! We want carts full of clusters. Tell everyone how good it is to experience Jesus, how fulfilling it is knowing that when you pray for a friend they receive their healing.  How wonderful is it to watch lives transform right before you because you lead them to know Christ. How lovely is it that you can do away with religion and establish a relationship with Jesus.  Now you can experience the power of God in your life. Let us have the eyes of Jesus and look at this world in a different way, ͏li͏f͏e is marvelous! Life is Jesus!


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