Psalm 71:22
“I will also praise You with the harp, Your truth and faithfulness, O my God; To You I will sing praises with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel.”
There are so many good songs in the world, but really we should be singing God’s favorite song.
In this verse, the harp has strings that are embedded in the wood and the lyre has strings that go over a bridge.
Both instruments are built slightly different. We are those instruments to sound out what God has to do and say to this very dark world.
One is embedded - God wants us to get into people’s lives to teach them who He is.
One goes over a bridge - that’s who we are the connection from God to the world.
Each one of us is so important. There’s no preaching of the gospel if we don’t open our mouths.
Let’s sing a song of salvation today.