Word of the Day

And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day.

Joshua 5:11 KJV


Delightfully every morning the Israelites would find angel's food ( manna ) ready to eat.  Now, they had come to a place where their miracles and desires were waiting. The old corn representing that it was there all along waiting for them. What you need to fix, undo, makeover or do  is there waiting for you. You need to  eat of the goodness of the land. They went to vineyards they didn’t have to plant, houses they didn’t have to build.  Our miracles are already there waiting for us. A high dose of belief will enable you to take it.  Believe that God wants newness for you.  Today is 11/8/2018  - amazing newness!
