““If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments.”
JOHN 14:15 AMP
I spoke to someone yesterday that felt they could not really comply with what God wanted them to do. The response was, “God wouldn’t ask you to do anything that you couldn’t do.” Then the Lord gave us this scripture John 15:14. Pretty clear and to the point. Then He said now invert the chapters John 14:15 and it says almost the exact same thing but with added word, “friend.” God is saying, please be obedient and do what I say. It is easy for us, He did the hard part. He went to the cross and took everything on His body for us. If we obey, desiring to please Jesus, we will be in that river of blessing for the rest of eternity. Just as nothing can stop a river, nothing will stop us!
#therockchurches #iamarock