Word Of The Day

Psalm 56:9 KJV

[9[When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.

Jesus is your friend. He is for you, not against. Forever He will be a Father that wants to help defend and protect you. He is good. When you call on the name of Jesus, something powerful happens in the spirit world that fixes whatever is wrong in this natural world we live in. Faith is required here, you must know. If you know your savior, then your enemies will disappear and will know that God is for you! God will forever be faithful.


Word Of The Day

Psalm 139:14 KJV

[14]I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

My soul knows what you did is good. This verse is so encouraging. In a world that’s so dark, and tries to label people meanwhile, God is saying I made you perfect . This verse helps your self esteem. You don’t need the world to find imperfection within yourself, yet God is reminding us He made us perfect. We’re made in His image. God created you and you are exactly where He wants you to be for His good works. Let’s embrace the life Christ had given us, forgive, restore and be better.


Word Of The Day

2 Corinthians 8:21 KJV

[21]Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

The world watches a Christian’s behavior more than any other. The question is why? Why is it that being a follower of Jesus causes for them to be under special scrutiny? Yes, Jesus is real and the enemy is real and he goes about trying to discredit the real true God. No one criticizes nor discredits any other type of religion, but christianity is always under the microscope of what they did wrong. Keeping your testimony of good standing is giving no space for the enemy, but instead, brings you closer to our Savior. Try to do what’s right, even if people don’t see you doing it. The person we need to be blessed by and be in good standing with is the Holy Spirit. If we’re not going to be honest in our work ethic in every capacity, how can He bless us? Jesus is right there watching us. He wants to bless and prosper you, but a responsibilty comes with that. Let’s do things correctly so that power, signs and wonders can come.


Word Of The Day

Proverbs 21:21 AMP

[21]He who earnestly seeks righteousness and loyalty Finds life, righteousness, and honor.

God is righteous and we know that He, God is perfect in every way. Making the decision to serve Him, love Him, and do what’s right in every capacity is an indicator that we are headed in the right direction. One must run and stand for what is righteous even if it’s against popular opinions. Trust in your Jesus and His Righteousness, He will come to your defense. It goes along with Phillipians 4, thinking on right things. We are to lead every one to the right way.


Word Of The Day

1 Corinthians 13:4 AMP

[4]Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant.

The Bible says we are to conform to the image of Christ. Sometimes the opposite emotions arise and we have to overcome them with love. It’s those moments that cause your spirit to grow. It’s important to stop multiple times during your day and check your level of conformity to Christ’s image. Making the sacrifice of dying to these fleshy feelings of anger, resentment, etc allows a good detox. Now you are making room for the Holy Spirit. The human mind likes to indulge in these things, but when you don’t, the Holy Spirit moves in power. He is light, and we are His light. We are to turn on the light to this world and away with darkness.


Word Of The Day

Psalm 54:1 KJV

[1]Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.

That’s the heart of a father, that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. A King, who really loves His people, willing to judge you according to the cross. Causing the power of the cross to come into effect to heal you, make you prosperous, help

you have good credit and restoration to whatever was lost. Jesus is there for us. We just have to trust and believe that He is God. Yes, He came to save us. Especially today, that the God of the universe became human to save us. He was born to die, knowing He would trust the Holy Spirit to bring back to life. If it were not for Him, we wouldn’t be here today. Let’s spread the love.


Palabra Del Día

2 Tesalonicenses 3: 2 (AMP): Y para que seamos librados de hombres perversos (impropios, injustos) y malvados (activamente maliciosos), porque no todos tienen fe y se rigen por ella.

¿Está bien escuchar o rodearnos de personas negativas? Una atmósfera negativa puede hacer que nuestra fe se debilite o esté bajo estrés; el diseño de Dios es todo lo contrario. La Biblia dice que el gozo del Señor es nuestra fuerza. Jesús es nuestra paz. Nuestra mentalidad debería estar pensando en Filipenses 4. Como un atleta, tiene que estar en perfectas condiciones para poder competir. Nuestra fe tiene que estar en perfectas condiciones para obtener nuestras peticiones deseadas. Tenemos que asegurarnos de que nuestro entorno sea propicio para moverse en el espíritu. Dios nos quiere felices y poderosos.
