Word Of The Day

Mark 3:3 KJV

[3]And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.

Everyone who needs a healing or needs help, Jesus says,it’s time. Jesus went to the temple knowing what the Pharisees were thinking and preparing in their hearts within them. He wanted to show them even on the sabbath, I can heal. There’s no limits for God. Have expectation, show and give a message to everyone in the world that God is very much alive. He’s very capable of doing miracles, signs and wonders. We just need to stand forth, stand up, cooperate with God and say yes to Jesus. Know that our God is very much alive doing great works.

Word Of The Day

Psalm 139:17-18 (AMP)

[17]How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!(A)
[18]If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.

God’s thoughts are so vast, you can see it in nature. There are thousands of different species of animals, plants, trees, insects, etc! With that same creative imagination are His thoughts towards us. He thinks, plans and drives hard to make us successful in Him. Peace, hope, and happiness are His desires for you. Standing strong, prosperous, and great in everything is His purpose in your life. We need to be about God’s agenda, that is what initiates His purpose in you. The revelation is perfect, no one is going to love us like Jesus. It’s immeasurable. A heart full of gratitude and joy is power. He loves you.

Palabra Del Día

Juan 4:15 (AMP): La mujer le dijo: Señor, dame de esta agua, para que nunca tenga sed ni tenga que venir [continuamente hasta aquí] a sacarla.

¿Dónde podemos escondernos, adónde podemos ir para protegernos de las críticas, los juicios y el odio? En este mundo, no muchos lugares. Entonces, ¿cómo arreglas los errores del pasado que siguen acechándonos? ¡La bondad de Jesús está aquí! Esta mujer en esta cultura tenía muy mala reputación. Cada vez que iba a buscar agua al pozo, había quienes la esperaban para burlarse y recordarle su posición social. ¿Dónde podemos encontrar el poder para arreglar nuestro pasado, finanzas, cuerpo, salud, ministerios y vidas? Solo en Él. Tenemos ese poder, Jesús dice que sí. Ya no es una lucha. Dios es la respuesta a todo. Quiere darte un milagro. Cree en Dios, medita en Su palabra y no tengas más sed.

Word of The Day

John 4:15 KJV

[15]The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

Where can we hide, where can we go for protection from criticism, judgment and hatred? In this world, not too many places. So how do you fix past mistakes that keep coming to haunt us? The goodness of Jesus is here! This woman in this culture had a very bad reputation. Every time she went to get water at the well, there were those waiting to mock and remind her of her social position. Where can we find the power to fix our past, finances, body, health, ministries, and lives? Only in Him. We have that power, Jesus says yes. It was no longer a struggle. God is the answer to everything. He wants to give you a miracle. Believe God,meditate on His word, and thirst no more.

Palabra Del Día

Mateo 28: 2 (AMP): Y he aquí, hubo un gran terremoto, porque un ángel del Señor descendió del cielo y vino, hizo rodar la piedra y se sentó sobre ella.

Escuchar las noticias realmente puede poner a uno mal mentalmente. Entre escuchar las tragedias locals y mundiales, es difícil no preguntarse por qué. La biblia nos dice claramente que en estos últimos días, en los que estamos, el peso de la rebelión y el pecado contra el camino de Dios sacudirá al mundo. Tiene que suceder, la biblia dice que sucederá, pero el remedio de Jesús fue él mismo. Sacudió la tierra cuando la tumba fue removida para decirles a todos que Él y solo Él, Jesucristo, puede hacer la diferencia. Aquellos que elijan seguirlo experimentarán un caminar diario diferente en este mundo. Hoy, elige seguir a Jesús, haz exactamente lo que Él dice y estarás a salvo.


Word Of The Day

Matthew 28:2 KJV

[2]And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

Hearing the news can really put one in a bad way mentally. Between hearing of the tragedies around the world and locally, it’s hard not to ask the question why? The Bible clearly tells us that in these last days, which we are in, the weight of rebellion and sin against God’s way will shake the world. It has to happen, the Bible says it will happen, but Jesus’ remedy was himself. He shook the earth when The tomb was rolled away to tell everyone He and only He, Jesus Christ, can make a difference. Those that choose to follow Him will experience a different daily walk in this world. Today, choose to follow Jesus, do exactly as He says, and you will be safe.


Palabra Del Día

Mateo 28: 19-20 (AMP): Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo,

20 enseñándoles a guardar todo lo que les he mandado, y he aquí, estoy con ustedes todos los días (perpetuamente, uniformemente y en toda ocasión), hasta el [muy] fin y la consumación del siglo. Amén (que así sea).

Es maravilloso saber que Jesús está ahí sin importar la situación u ocasión que sea. Nos da instrucciones sobre cómo agradarle, y seguir Su dirección mejorará la venida del Señor. Si estamos cocinando algo y usamos la receta incorrecta, no podemos esperar el resultado correcto. Seamos obedientes y tengamos la presencia de nuestro Salvador con nosotros siempre. De alguna manera, Dios en Su amor incondicional, cambia todas las cosas para bien.
