Word Of The Day

Isaiah 45:3 AMP

[3]“I will give you the treasures of darkness [the hoarded treasures] And the hidden riches of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you (Cyrus the Great) by your name.

Cyrus was a heathen king that found his name written in the scrolls years before from a prophecy. In the prophecy, God himself calls him by name to rebuild the temple. Imagine reading an old, ancient book and discovering your name there, with instructions! Today, God has not changed. Jesus is calling your name today and everyday till you respond. It’s a love call to make a better you, and to use you to make a better world. The treasures that are hidden, those blessings that we have no idea of how glorious and wonderful they are, are waiting for you. God opens new opportunities in special ways in order to work miracles. Jesus is calling you to mentor and help people. We are called by name. We are called to do His great work.

Word Of The Day

Deuteronomy 6:3 KJV

[3]Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey

When you’re obedient it gives you power and opens the doors of blessings. If you read further, you see what happens when you’re not obedient. You have the cross and the grace of God to allow the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding. We have so much more now because of the cross. Being obedient is to follow Him and that will increase you in power and grace.

Palabra Del Día

Hechos 3:26 (AMP): Fue a ustedes primero que Dios envió a su Siervo e Hijo Jesús, cuando lo resucitó [proveyó y lo dio por nosotros], para bendecirlos al convertir a cada uno de ustedes de su maldad y maldad. formas. [Hechos 2:24; 3:22.]

Esto es lo más importante que jamás ha sido y que siempre será. Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos y nos salvó de nuestros malos caminos. Si tan solo el mundo viera eso y lo aceptara, el mundo sería un lugar diferente. Nuestro trabajo es hacer exactamente eso. Con todas las fuerzas que tenemos, pensemos a la manera de Dios. Es fácil entender los caminos de Dios cuando piensas en por qué murió. Si reflexionáramos sobre esto todo el día, nuestras decisiones serían diferentes. Si lo basamos en la cruz no nos equivocaremos; Dios esta con nosotros. Toma como base el amor por el que dio Su vida. Asegurémonos de que nuestra perspectiva sea correcta.

Word Of The Day

Acts 3:26 AMP

[26]It was for you first of all that God raised up His Servant and Son [Jesus], and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.

That is the most important thing that will ever be and ever has been. Jesus was raised from the dead and saved us from our wicked ways. If only the world would see that and accept Him, the world would be a different place. Our job is to do exactly that. With all the strength we have, let us think God’s way. It’s easy to understand God’s ways when you think on why He died. If we pondered this all day long, our decisions would be different. If we base it off the cross we won’t make a mistake; God is with us. Base it off the love He laid down His life for. Let’s make sure our perspective is correct.

Palabra Del Día

Marcos 3: 3 (AMP): Y dijo al hombre que tenía la mano seca: Levántate [y ponte aquí] en medio.

Todos los que necesitan sanidad o necesitan ayuda, dice Jesús, es tiempo. Jesús fue al templo sabiendo lo que los fariseos estaban pensando y preparándose dentro en sus corazones . Quería mostrarles incluso el sábado, puedo sanar. Dios no tiene límites. Tenga expectativa, muestre y dé un mensaje a todos en el mundo de que Dios está muy vivo. Él es muy capaz de hacer milagros, señales y maravillas. Solo necesitamos ponernos de pie, levantarnos, cooperar con Dios y decirle que sí a Jesús. Sepa que nuestro Dios está muy vivo haciendo grandes obras.