Word Of The Day

Joshua 22:4 (AMP)

[4]But now the Lord your God has given rest to your brethren, as He promised them; so now go, return to your homes in the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you on the [east] side of the Jordan.

In this chapter, these men sacrificed their lives to help their brethren get their inheritance, even though they had their families settled safely in their own land. Yet, they kept their promise to help. In God, there is a time of rest. They were able to go back to their homes and rest. There are seasons where Jesus wants you to not have anxiety, doubt, fear, etc. It’s a be blessed mode “now.” Resting on God and being at peace, is vital not only for spiritual health, but your natural health also. Leave all things in the hands of God. Jesus is the brother that will go fight for you so that you can rest in your land of peace. That’s God’s design for you. He is a God of covenant.

Today we read: Psalm 62-64, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Josué 22: 5 (AMP): Pero cuídate diligentemente de cumplir el mandamiento y la ley que Moisés, siervo del Señor, te mandó: amar al Señor tu Dios, andar en todos sus caminos, guardar sus mandamientos y aferrarte. para unirse a Él y servirle con todo su corazón y alma [su misma vida].

La obediencia es una instrucción clara para caminar con Él. No se deje distraer o dejarse llevar por pensamientos negativos. Cuando nos enfocamos en Él, Él nos ayuda a discernir y ser conscientes. Vivir en un mundo de alto octanaje, con viviendas toscas y que se mueven rápidamente, te hace ascender espiritualmente. La forma en que maneja su vida espiritual es cómo será su vida natural. Dios es fiel.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 59-61, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Joshua 22:5 (AMP):

[5]But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord charged you: to love the Lord your God and to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and to cling to and unite with Him and to serve Him with all your heart and soul [your very life].

Obedience is a clear instruction in order to walk with Him. Do not allow yourself to be distracted or swayed by negative thinking. When we’re focused on Him, He helps us to discern and be aware. Living in a fast moving, rough housing, high-octane world, causes you to rise Spiritually. How you handle your spiritual life is how your natural life will be. God is faithful.

Today we read: Psalm 59-61, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Matthew 5:43-44 AMP

[43]You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor (fellow man) and hate your enemy.’
[44]But I say to you, love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

That’s pretty much the opposite of what the world says to do. If you want better or to excel in your career, you step on anyone’s head to work your way up. If someone does good for you, you’ll do good for them. Instead, God’s way of success is a little different than the world. He says do good for bad. Be patient with your fellow man. Give slack to people because they are people. People do things, and most of the time we tend to notice the ugliness of humanity. Forgiveness brings oneself healing inside out, it feels really good. Do it God’s way, it’s a whole lot happier.

Today we read: Psalm 56-58, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Gálatas 4: 6 (AMP): Y debido a que ustedes [realmente] son ​​[Sus] hijos, Dios ha enviado el Espíritu [Santo] de Su Hijo a nuestros corazones, clamando: ¡Abba (Padre)! ¡Padre!

El Espíritu Santo es necesario para mostrar al mundo que tenemos a Jesús y la comunión con el Padre. Ni siquiera podemos ser salvos sin que el Espíritu Santo nos revele que Dios es Dios. Comuníquese con Dios y disfrute del proceso que nos ha dado. Podemos clamar a Abba Father sabiendo que Él es un amigo y es bueno. Tenemos un futuro maravilloso diseñado y planeado por Dios. Si mantenemos nuestros ojos en Él, Él siempre nos mantendrá en la dirección correcta.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 53-55, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Galatians 4:6 KJV

[6]And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

The Holy Spirit is needed in order to show the world we have Jesus and communion with the Father. We can’t even get saved without the Holy Spirit revealing to us that God is God. Commune with God and enjoy the process He has given us. We can cry out to Abba Father knowing He is a friend and is good. We have a wonderful future designed and planned by God. If we keep our eyes on Him, He will always keep us pointed up.

Today we read: Psalm 53-55, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Jonás 2: 9 (AMP): Pero yo te ofreceré sacrificios con voz de acción de gracias; Pagaré lo que prometí. ¡La salvación y la liberación pertenecen al Señor!

Jonás nos enseña una gran lección aquí.

1º: Sé siempre agradecido. Cuando uno tiene el corazón de gratitud, es la clave para abrir más bendiciones sobre usted. Cualquier bendición que se necesite.

2º: Cuando haces un sacrificio al Señor, captas Su atención. Cuando te dices no a ti mismo y sí a Él, la Biblia dice que Él te satisfará con larga vida. El favor de Dios caerá sobre ti. Ponga a Dios primero en todo lo que hace, especialmente cuando nadie está mirando. Eso es un sacrificio y un voto. Esa es una promesa que le hiciste a Dios y nadie la ve, ¡pero Dios te bendecirá abiertamente!

Hoy leemos: Salmo 44-46, Salmo 91