Word Of The Day

Luke 5:4 KJV

[4]Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

When you step out of the natural world and into the supernatural, it changes your whole landscape. You step into a realm of victory and success. God says believe in His promises and His word, and you will have great success, but on His terms. No matter what you failed at before, it will be different today. God doesn’t fail or make mistakes, He is a good Father and will take care of you.

Today we read: Psalm 141-143, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Job 9:3-4 KJV

[3]If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand.

[4]He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?

God is wise, powerful and true to His word. Who can argue with God? Who can say anything contrary to what God is saying or doing? If we understand how big, how powerful, how incredible this Being is, how far above our head He is ( galaxies), how far we could exceed! It would help our faith to believe. His word is yes and amen. Not only true, but perfection. If we do what we are supposed to do, He then does what He is supposed to do. You are to die to your flesh ( desires contrary to His )and live in the Spirit. Goliath was there, this big huge giant tormenting Israel. We have a God way bigger than Goliath, and He is on our side, fighting for our well being. Let’s show the world how great He is!! Tell people about His goodness!

Today we read: Psalm 129-131, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Luke 5:3 (AMP)

And getting into one of the boats, [the one] that belonged to Simon (Peter), He requested him to draw away a little from the shore. Then He sat down and continued to teach the crowd [of people] from the boat.

The boat signifies you. He needs you as a platform to preach the gospel. Jesus is ever searching for hearts that will let Him in. Searching for a people that will welcome Him to live in them. As you speak of the gospel, it is Christ Himself teaching through you. Also note, He put Himself at a distance in the waters. Signifying to keep ourselves distant from the world.

1- Be different, the Bible says we are a peculiar people. Christ lives in you; there should be a visible difference the world can see.

2- Be on point, hear God’s voice and yearn to be close to Him.

It’s amazing He would find us worthy enough to come and live in us. There is your source of power!

Today we read: Psalm 126-128, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Proverbios 2: 4–6 (AMP): Si buscas [la sabiduría] como plata y buscas la sabiduría hábil y piadosa como tesoros escondidos,

5 Entonces comprenderás el temor reverente y adorado del Señor y encontrarás el conocimiento de [nuestro omnisciente] Dios. [Prov. 1: 7.]

6 Porque el Señor da sabiduría hábil y piadosa; de su boca salen el conocimiento y la inteligencia.

La sabiduría y la comprensión son una buena medicina para evitar muchas frustraciones, tristezas y atrocidades. Es la mejor guía GPS hacia la paz. Su vida, relaciones y ministerio se definirán cuando abrace la sabiduría. Leer y meditar en el libro de proverbios salva vidas. Jesús está allí en medio de todo esto infundiéndote poder, conocimiento y comprensión. Sea valiente y desafíe a Dios y verá la evidencia de Dios de su lado.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 117-119, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Proverbs 2:4-6 KJV

[4]If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

[5]Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

[6]For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

Wisdom and understanding is good medicine in avoiding many frustrations,sadness and atrocities. Its the best GPS guide towards peace. Your life, relationships and ministry will become defined when embracing wisdom. Reading and meditating on the book of proverbs saves lives. Jesus is there in the midst of it infusing you with power, knowledge and understanding. Be brave and challenge God and you will see the evidence of God on your side.

Today we read: Psalm 117-119, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Salmo 147: 15 (AMP): Él envía su mandamiento a la tierra; Su palabra corre muy rápido.

Esto debería llenarlo de fe y esperanza, sabiendo que Dios tiene el control. Él no solo lo escucha y lo ve, sino que responderá rápidamente. A veces pensamos que Su respuesta tardará una eternidad, pero es todo lo contrario. Cuando pides comida en un restaurante, uno espera mientras el chef la prepara. No entra en pánico pensando que la comida nunca llegará. Dios está trabajando, solo crea, Él está haciendo un trabajo rápido. Simplemente apóyate en Él y confía porque Él es bueno.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 108-110, Salmo 91

Word Of The Day

Psalm 147:15 (GNT)

[15]He gives a command to the earth, and what he says is quickly done.

This should fill you with faith and hope, knowing God is in control. Not only does He hear and see you, but will respond quickly. Sometimes we think His response will take forever, but it’s the opposite. When you order food at a restaurant, one waits while the chef is preparing. You don’t get in a panic thinking that food will never come. God’s working, just believe, He’s doing a quick work. Simply lean on Him and trust because He is good.

Today we read: Psalm 108-110, Psalm 91