Word Of The Day

Psalm 91:14 KJV

[14]Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

An agreement between God and yourself is worth living for. It’s the garden all over again. It’s a God who is searching for a people that will love Him and appreciate what His son did for Him. What a glorious, mysterious God we serve. Jesus is worth the while to search and set Him on high priority in your Life.

Today we read: Proverbs 15-17, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Psalm 30:11 KJV

[11]Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;

The heart of Jesus is to turn your hard time into easiness. Where there is anguish, it’s replaced with peace and healing. The joy of Christ is to see you in complete wellness in all areas of your life. Begin the process of this change by a declaration, a prophetic word from God. Declare that “the portal is open, bless me God!” We need to speak it out loud in prayer, and confess good changes in your life. Let’s make sure we are in that portal, declaring and confessing, and crying out to our God. The portal does not stay open for very long; it’s like a season. Seasons come and go, this is your season to be blessed.

Today we read: Proverbs 12-14, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

1 Timothy 2:8 KJV

[8]I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

We have to go before Him without anything in our hearts against another. There is a saying, “You can’t go to court without clean hands.” Your heart has to be pure. You have to forgive anger and bitterness. Put it aside and continue so God can forgive you. You have your say so before the Lord. Go before God openly and clean, having no ought with your brother. If you want your prayers answered, you can’t have anything in your heart.

Today we read: Proverbs 3-5, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Hebrews 5:9 (AMP)

[9]And having been made perfect [uniquely equipped and prepared as Savior and retaining His integrity amid opposition], He became the source of eternal salvation [an eternal inheritance] to all those who obey Him

Jesus was perfect in His sufferings and anguishes that He took upon Himself for our sake. Now, because of His wonderful sacrifices, we have the right to be free. Free of emotional or physical daily stress, oppressions, etc. It is our God given right to be able to fight against those things that bring us anguish. Glory to God that the sufferings of Christ have given us an answer to the darkness of this world. Therefore, we must make the decision to follow Jesus, it is then that you will see His power and might.

Today we read: Psalm 150, Proverbs 1-2, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

Psalm 37:40 KJV

[40]And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

God’s word cannot come back void, if we abide in Him and hold strong to His word. He is our protection. If the world chooses not to believe and go contrary, stand strong and don’t be moved. Give God a chance to move in your life. Today, make a promise to read His word and experience that which cannot be defeated. Trust in your God. God is faithful we just need to believe.

Today we read: Psalm 147-149, Psalm 91

Word Of The Day

James 2:8 (AMP)

If indeed you [really] fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as [you love] yourself, you do well.

Love your neighbor as yourself is actually a self healing medicine straight from God. Christ-like love has power. Love is precious, but the right kind of love. At times, we can confuse it with human emotions and its wasted on things that won’t benefit you in any way, if anything, it will cause grief. Loving like Christ guarantees us the scripture that love never fails. Try your very best to be and to love Christ-like. In every moment, your reaction should be Christ-like. Ask yourself am I living and reacting Christ-like? If the answer is yes, then you will begin to experiencing Christ-like power. You have no failure, you have power; it’s a win win. Your relationship with Christ gets more profound. Love, forgive and cover; it’s healing for ourselves and others.

Today we read: Psalm 144-146, Psalm 91

Palabra Del Día

Lucas 5: 4 (AMP): Cuando terminó de hablar, dijo a Simón (Pedro): Remar mar adentro [agua], y bajar las redes para un lance.

Cuando sales del mundo natural y te adentras en lo sobrenatural, todo tu paisaje cambia. Entras en un reino de victoria y éxito. Dios dice que crea en Sus promesas y Su palabra, y tendrá gran éxito, pero en Sus términos. No importa en qué fallaste antes, hoy será diferente. Dios no falla ni comete errores, es un buen Padre y cuidará de ti.

Hoy leemos: Salmo 141-143, Salmo 9